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Written by Support InfoBridge
When problems arise, we might ask for Debug logging, which shows us valuable information to solve your Synchronizer issue(s). Follow this article to create Debug logging when using the Outlook (Online) Synchronizer.
This article applies to the Outlook Synchronizer / Outlook Online Synchronizer.
How to
- Stop the Outlook (Outlook) Synchronizer
- Go to %appdata% > InfoBridge-folder
- Else, try the %localappdata% > InfoBridge-folder
- Rename (or delete) the logfile.txt (logfile.old.txt for instance)
- Open the Synchronizer Admin and go to the Options panel
- Change the loglevel to Debug (Save warning, informational and debugging messages to logfile)
- Click Apply this Setting for All the Users
- Start the Outlook (Online) Synchronizer and reproduce the problem a couple of times (2 or 3 times)
- Exit the Outlook (Online) Synchronizer
- Collect the logfile.txt in %appdata% > InfoBridge-folder or %localappdata% > InfoBridge-folder and send it to us.