Technical Settings

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Written by Support InfoBridge

Technical Settings

In this panel you can set the connection settings towards the Exchange environment
NOTE: This panel is not available if you are using the Synchronizer with OAuth authorization. When you are using the Synchronizer with OAuth authentication you have to link the users by using the O365 Token Authentication Manager


With delegation you need to give the Syncuser rights on individual mailboxes​

Technical settings options  
Username Fill in the name of the SyncUser who has rights to all the mailboxes. If you use a Hosted Exchange Server then you have to fill in the complete email address like

Fill in the password of the SyncUser


Fill in the domain name of the server where the Microsoft Exchange Server is installed.
Leave blank when Hosted Microsoft Exchange is used

Autodiscover EWS

The Autodiscover EWS button can be used for auto-discovering the correct Hosted Microsoft Exchange Server, the field ‘Exchange Web Services Url’ and ‘Exchange Offline Addressbook URL’ are filled in automatically

NOTE: When Autodiscover EWS is not working you can fill in the EWS and OAB url by hand. More information can be found in this article:

Autodiscover via URL

The Autodiscover via URL button can be used for auto discovering the correct offline address book of Microsoft Hosted Exchange Server by URL. The ‘Exchange Offline Addressbook Url’ field is filled in

Exchange Web Services Url

The Exchange Web Services Url field

Exchange Offline Addressbook Url

The Exchange Offline Addressbook Url field

Use Impersonation to access user’s synchronization items

Impersonation is where you set Syncuser with access to all the mailboxes

Use Delegation to access user’s synchronization items

With delegation you need to give the Syncuser rights on individual mailboxes

Test Connection

Test the connections to the EWS and the OAB

Events Optimizer Interval (minutes)

The Exchange Online Synchronizer will detect instantly any changes made in SuperOffice CRM or in Microsoft Outlook. To keep the events from Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange as fast as possible this option will run an optimization tool for events.

NOTE: It is possible to set the events optimizer to 0, however this is not recommended and could give a slight decrease in performance.

Optimize for High Server load environments

This option makes sure that response times from EWS Requests will be monitored. When requests take on average longer than 5 seconds the Synchronizer will throttle itself by creating delays

Use Incremental Change Detection only

With this option the Synchronizer will use the ICS environment to detect updates. Now each user will be checked (in sequential order) for changes through ICS. In between each user we have build a delay of 3 seconds

Limit number of concurrent requests By default this is set to 0. This means that an unlimited number of requests may be executed.
When you set a number other than 0 the Synchronizer will make sure that no more than the number of calls entered as concurrent requests will be executed.
If it turns out more calls need to be processed, the Synchronizer will queue them.
The number of concurrent requests needs to be the number set in the EWSMaxConcurrency value of the Throttling Policy. The default value is 20 for the default Throttling policy of Exchange

NOTE 1 Out of the last 3 options the first and third option have the least impact on user experience. What needs to be considered is that the Synchronizer will take a longer time to get the appointments synchronized. The second option has the most impact. This is due to the fact that new items will be synchronized through ICS (1 user at a time) instead of through events from Exchange. The other way around, changes from SuperOffice, still works as normal.
NOTE 2 It is important to know that the Throttling issues will not magically disappear when selecting all the tickboxes. Each of the options work in a different way. Turning on all options will for sure decrease the performance drastically. Each option is designed for different cases.