Various scenarios for customers without synchronisation

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Background story

A customer with 4 employees using Outlook to manage email and appointments decides to purchase SuperOffice CRM for 2 employees. To simplify the story, the male users John and Mike don’t use SuperOffice and the female users Linda and Julie are the new SuperOffice CRM users who are using the SuperOffice Invite system. Linda has configured the email settings in SuperOffice, where Julie didn’t. Since Outlook is the main calendar system for this small company, all employees are used to look in Outlook to see the availability of colleagues.

User scenario 1

The following situation will occur when Linda creates an invite in SuperOffice with a known customer.

SuperOffice Invite is created in SuperOffice and known customer is invited.
SuperOffice Appointment is created in the calendar and SuperOffice sends the invite
Outlook No appointment visible


Known customer  
Outlook Receives the invite and the appointment is created tentatively


  Linda's SO calendar Linda's Outlook calendar
Known customer accepts
the invite in Office 365
Web, Outlook sends
acceptance email
Appointment shows that known
customer has accepted the
Is empty *)

*) The acceptance mail is received in the Outlook/Google inbox, displaying information about the meeting, but Linda will not find the appointment in the Outlook/Google calendar. This can be confusing for Linda.
Impact for colleagues: When John looks in Linda’s Outlook calendar nothing is booked, so a possible double booking could occur.

User scenario 2

The following situation will occur when Linda creates an invite in SuperOffice with a known customer.

SuperOffice Invite is created in SuperOffice and known customer is invited.
SuperOffice Appointment is created in the calendar and SuperOffice sends the invite
Outlook No appointment visible


Known customer  
Outlook Receives the invite and the appointment is created tentatively


  Linda's SO calendar Linda's Outlook calendar
Known customer deletes
the invite by using the right
click functionality, no
decline email is sent
Appointment shows that known
customer has accepted the
Is empty

Note: This situation is out of the hand of SuperOffice and seems only be possible when using Office 365

User scenario 3

Outlook Invite is created in Outlook and known customer is invited.
SuperOffice No appointment visable


Known customer  
Outlook Receives the invite and the appointment is created tentatively


  Linda's SO calendar Linda's Outlook calendar
Known customer accepts
the invite in Outlook
Is empty *) Appointment has acceptance state

*) The acceptance mail is received in the SuperOffice inbox, displaying information about the meeting, but Linda will not find the appointment in the SuperOffice calendar. This can be confusing for Linda

User scenario 4

The following situation will occur when a known customer invites Julie.

Known customer  
Outlook Appointment is created in Outlook and Julie is invited


SuperOffice Nothing happens
Outlook The appointment is created tentatively


  Julie's SO calendar Julie's Outlook calendar
Result Is empty Shows tentatively the appointment

When Linda looks in Julie's SuperOffice calendar nothing is booked, so a possible double booking could

User scenario 5

The following situation will occur when a known customer invites Linda, John and Mike

Known customer  
Outlook Invite is created in Outlook and known customer invites Linda, John and Mike.


SuperOffice The invite is received by the SuperOffice inbox
SuperOffice The appointment is created tentatively in the calendar with one participant
Outlook The appointment is created tentatively in the calendar with all participants


  Linda's SO calendar Linda's Outlook calendar
Result Shows tentatively the
appointment with only one
participant (Linda) *)
Shows tentatively the appointment with all

*) Since the email addresses of John and Mike are not present in the SuperOffice database they are not added as participants to the SuperOffice meeting stored in Linda’s calendar.
Impact for Linda: Participant information in SuperOffice is not complete, only Outlook shows the correct
list of participants.

User scenario 6

The following situation will occur when a known customer invites Linda with a recurring invite.

Known customer  
Outlook Recurring Invite is created in Outlook and known customer invites Linda


SuperOffice Receives the invite
SuperOffice Creates the appointments tentatively in the calendar (after clicking accepting all)
Outlook The appointments are created tentatively


  Linda's SO calendar Linda's Outlook calendar known customer
Linda deletes one
appointment from the
recurrence pattern in
Appointment visible Appointment is removed Shows in Outlook that
Linda declined one
appointment of the
recurrence pattern
Linda marks the invite
private in Outlook
Appointment is visible for
Appointment is marked
Linda sets the alarm in
Alarm is not set Alarm is set -

Note: Visibility or alarm settings made in Outlook/Google are not in sync with the visibility or alarm settings in SuperOffice.

User scenario 7

The following situation will occur when a known customer invites Linda and Julie.

Known customer  
Outlook Invite is created in Outlook and known customer invites Linda and Julie


SuperOffice Receives the invite
SuperOffice Creates the appointment tentatively in Linda’s calendar, but it also creates the appointment tentatively in Julie’s calendar
Outlook The appointments are created tentatively


SuperOffice Appointment created through the incoming invite from Linda
Outlook The appointment is created tentatively


Depending on which actions are being done by Julie.

  Julie's SO calendar Julie's Outlook calendar Linda's SO calendar Linda's Outlook calendar known customer
Julie accepts
the invite in
Appointment has
tentative state
Appointment has
acceptance state
Shows that Julie
did not respond
to the invite
Shows that Julie
accepted the
Shows in Outlook
that Julie
accepted the
Julie accepts
the invite in
Appointment has
acceptance state
Appointment has
tentative state
Shows that Julie
accepted the
Shows that Julie
did not respond
to the invite
Shows that Julie
did not respond
to the invite
Julie declines
the invite in
visible in SUO
has tentative
Appointment is
Shows that Julie
did not respond
to the invite
Shows that Julie
declined the
Shows in Outlook
that Julie
declined the
Julie declines
the invite in
Appointment is
visible in Outlook
with tentative
Shows that Julie
declined the
Shows that Julie
did not respond
to the invite
Shows that Julie
did not respond
to the invite


Depending on which actions are being done by Linda

  Linda's SO calendar Linda's Outlook calendar Julie's SO calendar Julie's Outlook calendar known customer
Linda accepts
the invite in
Appointment has
tentative state
Appointment has
acceptance state
Shows that Linda
did not respond
to the invite
Shows that Linda
accepted the
Shows in Outlook
that Linda
accepted the
Linda accepts
the invite in
Appointment has
acceptance state
Appointment has
tentative state
Shows that Linda
accepted the
Shows that Linda
accepted the
Shows that Linda
accepted the
Linda declines
the invite in
visible in SUO
has tentative
Appointment is
Shows that Linda
did not respond
to the invite
Shows that Linda
declined the
Shows in Outlook
that Linda
declined the
Linda declines
the invite in
Appointment is
visible in Outlook
with tentative
Shows that Linda
declined the
Shows that Linda
declined the
Shows that Linda
did not respond
to the invite


Depending which actions are done, including in which order they are done will effect the functionality. For
example if Linda declines the appointment in SuperOffice, the following flow is in effect:

  Linda's SO calendar Linda's Outlook calendar Julie's SO calendar Julie's Outlook calendar known customer
Linda declines
the invite in
Appointment is
visible in Outlook
with tentative
Shows that Linda
declined the
Shows that Linda
declined the
Shows in Outlook
that Linda
declined the
changes the
time of the
- - Shows the
appointment on
the old time
Appointment is
changed to the
new time
deletes the
- - Appointment
visible in SUO
has tentative
Appointment is

To summarise: For SuperOffice users and non-SuperOffice users this will be a confusing situation, in some cases when users are invited to a meeting it will show up in SuperOffice and in some cases, the meeting will also be visible in Outlook. This is besides the situation where the acceptance state and deletions are showing different information between Outlook/Google and SuperOffice.

User scenario 8

The following situation will occur when a known customer invites Linda and changes are being made by

Known customer  
Outlook Invite is created in Outlook and known customer invites Linda.


SuperOffice Receives the invite
SuperOffice Creates the appointment tentatively in Linda’s calendar.
Outlook The appointments is created tentatively


  Linda's SO calendar Linda's Outlook calendar known customer
Linda accepts the invite
in Outlook
Appointment has tentative
Appointment has
acceptance state
Shows in Outlook that
Linda accepted the invite
Linda marks the invite
private in Outlook
Appointment is visible for
Appointment is marked
Linda sets the alarm in
Alarm is not set Alarm is set -


User scenario 9

The following situation will occur when a known customer invites Linda for a recurring project meeting
with no end-date.

Known customer  
Outlook Invite with no end date is created in Outlook and known customer invites Linda.


SuperOffice The appointments are created tentatively in the calendar with a max of 100
Outlook The appointment is created tentatively exactly how it is specified by the sender


   Linda's SO calendar Linda's Outlook calendar
Result Shows partially tentatively the
appointments (max 100
Shows tentatively the appointments correctly

Impact for Linda and Julie: The SuperOffice calendar shows only partially the invite, when Linda books an appointment in the distant future, the SuperOffice calendar is empty.

User scenario 10

The following situation will occur when an unknown customer invites Linda and Julie.

Unknown customer  
Outlook Invite is created in Outlook and unknown customer invites Linda and Julie.


SuperOffice Receives the invite
SuperOffice Nothing happens, however within the Inbox you have the possibility to add the
unknown user to SuperOffice.
In Linda's Outlook The appointment is created tentatively


SuperOffice Nothing happens.
In Julie's Outlook The appointment is created tentatively


Depending on which actions are being done by Julie.

  Julie's/Linda's SO calendar Julie's/Linda's Outlook calendar Unknown customer
Julie or Linda accepts
the invite in Outlook
Appointment not visible Appointment has
acceptance state
Shows in Outlook that Julie
or Linda accepted the
Julie or Linda declines
the invite in Outlook
- Appointment is removed Shows in Outlook that Julie
or Linda declined the invite

Impact for Linda and Julie: It can be confusing since sometimes appointments are created in SuperOffice but not always. This depends if the person who sends the invite is known or unknown in SuperOffice.