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Written by Support InfoBridge
Service Options
In this panel you can set the information which is needed to run the Exchange Online Synchronizer as a Windows Service.
NOTE After saving the Service Options these settings will be saved in a file ‘service.ini’. This file is saved in the local user folder of the current logged in user. Please make sure the file will be saved in the Syncuser’s local folder. Otherwise the service is unable to start. "C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Roaming\InfoBridge Exchange Online Synchronizer"
Service Otions | |
Database User | This user should be the table admin user, in this example ‘crm7’ |
Database Password | The correct password belonging to the table admin user |
SuperOffice ODBC Data Source | The ODBC name of the SuperOffice database |
SuperOffice Database Schema | The database prefix. In most cases this prefix is: CRM5 or CRM7 |
Retrieve settings from SuperOffice | When using this button the required information is automatically retrieved from SuperOffice. Make sure that SuperOffice is started with the correct user which should have user level 0 access rights |
Server rank id | The server number should be specified to which group of users is handling this instance of the Synchronizer. For more information see ‘User Synchronization settings’ |