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Written by Support InfoBridge
The following section gives a short overview of all the installation steps
General installation steps
- Make sure that the Installation Prerequisites are met
- Create a backup of the SuperOffice CRM database
- Create a backup of the Microsoft Exchange database
- Ensure that the SuperOffice CRM settings are correct, see below
- Install the InfoBridge Exchange Online Synchronizer
Extra Preparations
The Synchronizer admin, program and service need to start in Exchange Token mode. This can be done by adding an extra parameter to the start command of the Synchronizer and the Synchronizer admin shortcut. And to the InfoBridge Service in the register.
Synchronizer program and Synchronizer admin
The parameter to use is /ET
The start command in the shortcut properties should look like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\InfoBridge\Exchange Online Synchronizer\InfoBridge Synchronizer Administrator.exe" /DC /ET
Synchronizer Service
In the registry go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
Select the InfoBridge Synchronizer Service and open the ImagePath.
In the Value Data field add the parameter /ET
"C:\Program Files (x86)\InfoBridge\Exchange Online Synchronizer\InfoBridge.Synchronizer.Service.exe" /ET
Note After the Synchronizer is installed you need to start the Synchronizer admin as this will start the creation of the Synchronizer tables in the SuperOffice database. To create the database tables a username and password of a database system administrator is required.
SuperOffice CRM Settings
The InfoBridge Exchange Online Synchronizer requires extra tables inside the SuperOffice CRM database. The creation of these tables is an automated process, however certain settings should be checked before attempting to create the tables using the InfoBridge Synchronizer Maintenance and Settings.
Check the replication panel in SuperOffice Administration
Select Replication in SuperOffice Admin and select the Travel and satellite configurations.... option.
NOTE Even when the SuperOffice CRM travel is not used, the option ‘Travel and satellite configurations are possible’ must be checked! The InfoBridge Exchange Online Synchronizer is using the travel transaction option to detect changes in the SuperOffice CRM database.
Check the ‘Table Admin’ in the SuperOffice Administration
In the Status panel of the Sync admin you need to fill in the local database username and password
Check the users panel in the SuperOffice Admin
Make sure that the SuperOffice CRM users have a valid e-mail address stored in the SuperOffice contact person card. The e-mail address of SuperOffice is being used to link the user to Microsoft Exchange.
Add new list items to SuperOffice CRM
It is important to distinguish Outlook appointments or tasks from SuperOffice CRM appointments. This can easily be accomplished by adding some new list items to SuperOffice.
If the option is being used to synchronize SuperOffice selections it is recommend creating a separate selection type. By using this type, synchronization users can decide which contacts from SuperOffice should always be available in Exchange/Outlook.
Go to SuperOffice Settings and Maintenance > Lists > Follow-up type and add a type for a an Outlook appointment, an all-day Outlook appointment and an Outlook task
For a new selection type go to SuperOffice Settings and Maintenance > Lists > Selection Type and add a new type, e.g. Outlook Selection.
Installing the Exchange Online Synchronizer for SuperOffice CRM
The Exchange Synchronizer installer consists of two features which can be installed.
- The Exchange Synchronizer
- The Windows Service
To install the Exchange Synchronizer run the corresponding installation application and follow the directions given by the installer.
When the Windows Service option is selected to be installed the logon information for the service can be entered during the installation process.
After the installation the shortcuts to administer and to run the Synchronizer will be added to the Windows start menu.
To login to the Synchronizer Admin you have to use a SuperOffice CRM user with user level 0 rights.
The first time you use the Synchronizer admin a message will pop-up telling you that the Synchronizer tables need to be created. When creating the tables is finished the Synchronizer Admin will need to be restarted.
When you are using SuperOffice 8.3 R1 or higher you have the option to run the Synhronizer without a SuperOffice client on the server. Please see this article on how to setup this connection
Now the individual or global user settings can be set. Please see the Synchronizer User manual for more information. Or have a look in the Configure section on our Knowledge Base