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Version 3.2.349 (13-11-2023)
- Added support for 4000 characters in the appointment text body
NOTE: The extension of the character amount is introduced in SuperOffice version 10.2.9
Version 3.2.348 (26-10-2023)
- Support for Microsoft Bookings
Version 3.2.343 - 3.2.347
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.342
- Improved contact sync handling
Version 3.2.339 - 3.2.341
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.338 (14-02-2022)
Bug fixes
- Image links restored in e-mails send by synchronizer
Version 3.2.337 (06-01-2022)
- Logging for EWS Token Settings
Version 3.2.336 (13-12-2021)
New feature
- (Token) issues of users are now visible in the Linked User list on the User Synchronization Settings panel. More info
- A selection can be made of users with or without errors
- A new panel is added called Notifications. In this panel it is possible to setup automatic sending of re-authentication mails. This panel can also be used to setup notification mails to the Synchronizer Administrator. More info
- Syncing for users with authentication problems will restart automatically once they
have re-authenticated (except if the token was already invalid by the start of the synchronizer service).
Version 3.2.333 - 3.2.335
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.332 (10-11-2021)
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue in retrieving new Exchange refresh tokens
Version 3.2.330 - 3.2.331
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.329 (26-08-2021)
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue in the Token Manager regarding changing email addresses. This created a new authorization token which stopped the sync for the linked user. This is now fixed. Authorization stays active for the linked user after changing the emailaddress.
Version 3.2.327 - 3.2.328
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.326 (14-07-2021)
- The Token Manager no longer requires the From address field. Instead the from address is now always The admin is able to add his name in the Your Name field. More info
- The logfile now better displays which users are unavailable when the authorization token is expired
- Built-in detection to find SuperOffice Web Server installation to find the most recent SuperOffice.CDD version. This is needed to update the Sync tables.
Bug fixes
- After linking users you could load them again and link them to another SuperOffice associate. Load external users now only shows the users who have not been linked.
Version 3.2.323 - 3.2.325
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.322 (28-05-2021)
- Exchange refresh tokens larger than 1000 characters are now saved in the UserPreference table
Version 3.2.320 (23-05-2021)
New feature
- The Synchronizer is now available for all SuperOffice versions from 7.5. Download here
- A new installation/ upgrade guide is available,
Version 3.2.314 (10-03-2021)
New feature
- Microsoft will decommission Basic Authentication for EWS. These plans apply only to the cloud-based Office 365/Exchange Online products; there are no changes to EWS capabilities of on-premises Exchange products , more info
Because the Synchronizer uses EWS we have now created a new version (suited for SO 8.5 R14 and up) which supports the latest OAuth authentication and authorization techniques. More info - Video meetings can be synchronized from the external calendar to SuperOffice where it can be started with the click of one button, more info
Bug fixes
- When selected in the Sync admin, the address of the company you have an appointment with can be synchronized into the outlook appointment. In some occasions this address line was synchronized back to SuperOffice. This is now fixed.
- Updating a synchronized SO appointment in Outlook did not always update in the SO calendar
Version 3.2.292 (13-05-2020)
New Feature
- SuperOffice invites support
SuperOffice introduces the SuperOffice invites. It is one of the most requested features and it enables the user to send out invites to participants which will be recognized by the external mail systems like Outlook and Google, the invites can be accepted just like regular Outlook or Google invitations.
For customers using the Synchronizer, there is a complication to using invitations and that is that it would lead to duplicates because both Outlook and SuperOffice will create appointments and both will be synchronized as individual appointments by the Synchronizer.
Together with Superoffice, we have created a new version of the Synchronizer which can cope with the invitations and within SuperOffice there is a safety mechanism in place to safeguard the users from getting duplicates or out of sync appointments. More info - In the Sync admin we have added the option in External Settings to "Set invited participants in Appointment and Task in SuperOffice". More info
Bug fixes
- Fix for Office 365 users receiving a 401 error when Loading users in the Sync admin - User Synchronization Settings. More info
Version 3.2.265 (15-08-2019)
Bug fixes
- Resolved an issue where the Next activity Date in Sales did not update correct after a sale activity was updated in Outlook and synchronized back to SuperOffice
- Resolved an issue where the Synchronizer gave an "invalid username or password" error when logging in using the SuperOffice 8.5 Com part.
New feature
- External subject lines now have the option to add Sale Name to the external subject line fields. See the Synchronizer admin > SuperOffice CRM Settings > External subject line
- An extra option is created in the Synchronizer Admin to delete retired contacts from your Outlook contact list. See the Synchronizer admin > SuperOffice CRM Settings > Delete retired contacts
- Changed some labels in the connection setup screen (used when you don't use SO-com to login) to make it more clear which data needs to be filled in
Version 3.2.263 - 3.2.264
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.262 (15-05-2019)
- The Synchronizer is updated to be able to run without a SuperOffice Win client, more info
NOTE: Only available for SuperOffice 8.3 R1 and higher
NOTE: This only applies for the Exchange Online Synchronizer. The Outlook Online Synchronizer still requires a SuperOffice Win client
Version 3.2.250-3.2.261
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.249 (13-03-2019)
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause private appointments in SuperOffice to be public after an update in Outlook
Version 3.2.247 (12-12-2018)
- Fixed an issue in the EWS code which could send the Sync in a loop and cause warnings in the logfile like: An item with the same key has already been added.
- Patched EWS API
Version 3.2.246 (20-11-2018)
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.245 (17-10-2018)
- Update to EWS Library to avoid the Synchronizer from stopping when an invalid character was found in appointments
Version 3.2.244 (25-09-2018)
- fixed issue where appointments were not deleted from SyncSoApp table after deletion in appointment table. This could cause the Synchronizer to end up in a loop
Version 3.2.243 (20-09-2018)
- Fixed incompatibility issue with SuperOffice 7
The following error could occur: SynchronizerService: Database connection error: ERROR [42S22] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'CategoryFamily_id'.
Version 3.2.242 (19-09-2018)
- Fixed the start-up error "Unable to retrieve database connection settings from SO db object"
Version 3.2.141
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.240 (19-07-2018)
- Added support for new SuperOffice soft-delete functionality
Version 3.2.236 (06-06-2018)
- Exchange EWS updates
Version 3.2.235 (16-05-2018)
- Fixed an issue with deleting the Sync tables. This is now possible again with /DELETESYNCTABLES, more info
- Exchange EWS updates
- Better processing of deleting Exchange appointments. They tended to stay in a loop
Version 3.2.231-3.2.234
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.230 (20-03-2018)
- Fixed an issue with Oracle databases
Version 3.2.225-3.2.229
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.224 (14-03-2018)
- This version is compatible with SuperOffice versions:
SuperOffice CRM Windows 7.0
SuperOffice CRM Windows 7.1
SuperOffice CRM Windows 7.5
SuperOffice CRM Windows 8.0
SuperOffice CRM Windows 8.1
SuperOffice CRM Windows 8.2 - SO client not needed anymore once the tables are created
- EWS library changes to solve "Unable to retrieve entry id of message! Regarding it as not saved" error.
Version 3.2.15-3.2.223
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.214b-SO8.2R01 (04-01-2018)
- This version is compatible with SuperOffice 8.2R01
Version 3.2.214-SO8.1R03 (04-12-2017)
- This version is compatible with SuperOffice 8.1R03
Version 3.2.214 (20-11-2017)
- Some references on .NET were not valid. This could cause a MAPI dependencies error
Version 3.2.213 (30-10-2017)
- This version is compatible with SuperOffice 8.1
Note: Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are no longer supported, more info
- In case of a recovery of the Synchronizer service the InfoBridge.Synchronizer.Object.Server.exe process could remain active.
Version 3.2.212
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.211 (18-10-2017)
- Fixed an issue with follow-up types. If you would assign a meeting to another associate the Synchronizer would synchronize this appointment even if this follow-up type was not selected in the Synchronizer admin.
Version 3.2.198-3.2.210
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.197 (05-09-2017)
- The Synchronizer service will now automatically attempt to recover the connection to Exchange after it is lost. It should be no longer necessary to create batch tasks to stop and start the service every night.
- All person email addresses are now synchronized to Outlook instead of only the first one
- Out of Office appointment status in Outlook is synchronized to SuperOffice as 'busy' now, instead of 'free'
- Added option to make all appointments that are synchronized from Outlook private in SuperOffice, more info
- Added option to make all tasks that are synchronized from Outlook private in SuperOffice, more info
- Added option to make pending (not accepted) meeting invites from Outlook private in SuperOffice, more info
- Added option to make pending (not accepted) meeting invites from SuperOffice private in Outlook, more info
- Updated Synchronizer Administrator interface to look more like SuperOffice 8
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause Outlook reminders to come back after dismissal
- Added the company department to the list when selecting a default company in the Synchronizer Administrator
- Fixed an issue that prevented the completing of a future task in SuperOffice from being synced to Outlook
Version 3.2.191
- Fixed an issue when stopping the Synchronizer Service. You sometimes could get a 1061 Error: The Service cannot accept control messages at this time. In this new version we will try to stop the Synchronizer after a fixed time-out. (before the time-out of the Windows Service Control expires)
Version 3.2.183-3.2.190
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.182 (04-08-2016)
- Synchronization of users could fail when there were no associates available to retrieve the group_idx
Version 3.2.178-3.2.181 (04-06-2016)
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.177 (19-04-2016)
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.176 (13-04-2016)
- All-Day appointments. In this version the all-day start/end time in the userpreference is respected. When a user does not use a prefered start/end time for all-day appointments the default values will be used.
Version 3.2.173-3.2.175 (29-03-2015)
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.172 (17-12-2015)
- Internal optimization
- Compatibility with SuperOffice 8
Version 3.2.171 (10-09-2015)
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.170
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.167
- Fixed issue Unable to handle recurring message: The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime.
- Fixed Exchange connection time-out. The anti-throttling back-off strategy did not take certain timeout error codes into account. The request timeout is also increased from 100 to 240 seconds, which should give the Exchange server a bit more time to respond.
Version 3.2.165 (14-07-2015)
- Fixed an issue with an infinite loop with certain recurring appointments
Version 3.2.163 (09-06-2015)
- Fixed an issue with the language flag not being respected when being placed in the service.ini file
Version 3.2.161a (07-05-2015)
- Fixed an issue with the back-up option in the x64 Converter tool
Version 3.2.161 (26-03-2015)
- SuperOffice users on version 7 or 7.1 could receive a ActiveErpLinks error. This backwards compatibility issue is now resolved
Version 3.2.160 (17-03-2015)
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.159a (12-03-2014)
- An error could occur during converting from Exchange Sync v2 to Exchange Online Sync; External component has thrown an exception
We created a new converter with some extra security to the MAPI library, this should prevent the error from occuring.
It could still be that a user cannot be converted, but we should receive a more clear error this time.
Version 3.2.159 (03-02-2014)
- The Admin handles oab.xml correctly in the OAB url
Version 3.2.157-3.2.158 (21-01-2015)
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.156 (14-01-2015)
- Added more detailed information to the ‘Time zone configuration warning’ screen
- The Synchronizer will now fill out the preferredTZLocation’ column in the appointment table for appointments created in Outlook if time zones are enabled in SuperOffice.
Time zones enabled in SuperOffice: Make sure that the TZ configuration on the system running the Synchronizer corresponds with your active database Time zone of SuperOffice.
Time zones not enabled in SuperOffice: make sure the Time zone configuration on the system running the Synchronizer corresponds with the time zone configured on your SuperOffice client systems.
- Subject line of a synchronized Outlook appointment remains intact after changing the date/time in SO
Version 3.2.155 (06-01-2015)
- Extended Back-off strategy code. When the Exchange Server experiences power loss or when time-outs appear on Exchange connections the Synchronizer will be able to deal with this, partially (when connection issues persist then the Sync of course cannot handle this)
Version 3.2.154 (22-12-2014)
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.153 (20-11-2014)
- Some checkboxes (e.g. impersonation) stayed empty even after selecting them. In the database all was fine.
Version 3.2.152 (12-11-2014)
- Internal server error. The synchronizer now has a back-off strategy implemented, which throttles the requests and after the "Internal server error" slowly picks up speed again.
Version 3.2.151 (11-11-2014)
- Error when loading the users the first time. This was due to non valid SSL certificates
Version 3.2.148 - 3.2.150
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.147 (19-08-2014)
- In case no Company and Contact was selected in SO and the alarm was dismissed in Outlook the original SO appointment and type was changed to an Outlook type. This is now fixed by adding a delimiter to the subject line.
Version 3.2.146
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.145 (01-06-2014)
- Throttling options also available when using ranks
- In Exchange 2013 SP1 you could have empty body text in Outlook. A fallback to parse HTML output when plain text is not available. You can enable the HTML mode by starting the synchroniser with the /HTML option, or alternatively, creating an empty file named 'html.body' in the synchroniser directory.
- Solved various issues which caused log warnings like "Unable to complete ICS run" and "The given key was not present in the dictionary"
- Contacts without an email address are now properly synced to Exchange
- Brand new icons for the Synchronizer admin and program
Version 3.2.142 - 3.2.144
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.141 (20-5-2014)
- Limit number of concurrent requests is now default set to 20 in the Technical settings of the Synchronizer admin
- Loading users twice on start-up
- The error 'Unable to schedule ics run for user ..' for inactive synchronizer users is now removed from the logfile.
Version 3.2.140 (27-04-2014)
- When starting the Synchronizer only the active Synchronizer users are loaded. Temporarily disabled users are ignored.
- Build in options to solve Throttling issues
Version 3.2.138 (09-04-2014)
- Participants from your own company and other companies in SO are now synchronized correctly into the body text in Outlook appointments and tasks. Of course you need to make sure the option 'Set invited Participants in Appointment and Task' is ticked in the SO CRM Settings of the Synchronizer admin.
Version 3.2.136 - 3.2.137
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.135
- Synchronizing tasks from Outlook to SO showed a wrong date in SO.
Version 3.2.134
- Sync tables have been adjusted for Oracle.
version 3.2.133
- For customers Using Exchange 2007 (seen on Exchange 2007 SP3 onpremise and hosted exchange 2007), the contact address book is not displaying the name or display name for synchronized contacts when opening the contacts in an e-mail.
version 3.2.132
- In the logfile you could have these messages: Unable to handle recurring message: The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime.
Version 3.2.131
- A TimeZone conversion with infinite pattern end date could in some cases lead to a DateTime overflow
- When closing an exception, when not found, this could cause problems making the appointment end up in a retry queue
Version 3.2.128-3.2.130
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.127
- When using the Outlook Synchronizer in a Terminal Server you could receive a 'fatal error' during the closing of the Synchronizer. During the execution of the /STOP command the synchronizer was looking to all sync processes, also those of other users. With the new UAC policy the path of those processes may no longer be retrieved.
version 3.2.126
- A specific problem with Exchange 2007 and recurring appointment. Exceptions were created in Exchange from SuperOffice. Exchange : Version 2007 SP3 (build 83.6)
Recurrence properties. You must load or assign this property before attempting to update the appointment.
Version 3.2.125
- Option to change the time of the Housekeeping. Default it will start at 02:00
The parameter to use for the service should be put in the service.ini:
Version 3.2.124
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.121 - 3.2.123
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.121
- License optimization
Version 3.2.120
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.119
- In this version we can change the interval in which exchange events are checked. This option can be found in the Synchronizer admin - Options. The default value is 15 seconds. When the synchronizer is slow in retrieving new or changed events from Exchange you can change the value to 120 or 240 for instance. Please consult InfoBridge Support before changing the value.
Version 3.2.118
- The Service starts as soon as the first user's mailbox is retrieved. In older versions all user's had to be retrieved and this could give a time-out error
Version 3.2.117
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.116
- Option to speed-up the synchronization, in case you see a lot of Polling activity in the logfile.
- In the Sync admin - Options we have build the option "streaming Notification". Only use this option when the regular options are not sufficient in speeding up the synchronization of appointments. Instead of polling each mailbox, notifications will be send through open connections to the synchronizer. Please consult InfoBridge Support before using this options.
Version 3.2.115
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.114
- All-Day recurring appointments were not able to be updated.
Version 3.2.113
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.112
- If there was no checkbox selected in the Dialing Prefix panel of theSynchronizer admin, the phonenumbers made in SO SIX would besynchronized into Outlook without the leading zero.
Version 3.2.111
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.110
- Convertor Tool optimized
- Added a check so that it doesn't try to set the EndTimeZone. This property wasn't yet supported in Exchange 2007 SP1
- Fixed a problem where Exchange was treating recurring occurrences different from normal appointments.
Version 3.2.107 - 3.2.109
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2.106
- Time zone issues with synchronized appointments
- Convertor Tool optimized.
Version 3.2.105
- Internal Optimization
Version 3.2 104
- All day appointments created in SuperOffice were given a false start and end date/time
- SuperOffice follow-up types which have a comma in the name were not synchronized
Version 3.2.103
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.102
- Multiple Exchange Server can now be added in the technical settings of the Exchange Online Synchronizer. More information:
- The Converter tool has been optimized. The conversion is done faster and issues where users could not be opened are now solved.
Version 3.2.101
- Internal optimization
Version 3.2.100
- Not all changed appointments were updated by the Synchronizer. This was due to failing of internal validation within the managed API. The error in the logfile.txt will hold debug lines like:
Recurrenceproperties. You must load or assign this property before attempting to updatethe appointment.
Version 3.2.94 - 3.2.99
- Internal optimization
- Implemented license system. More information can be found in our KnowledgeBase under the category "InfoBridge License Instructions",
Version 3.2.84 - 3.2.92
- Beta versions