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Written by Support InfoBridge
The service.ini is an essential file for the Synchronizer to work correctly. Read this article to create a better understanding about the functionality of this file.
Let’s have a look how a typical Service.ini file looks like. The file is located in:
C:\Users\<SyncUser>\AppData\Roaming\InfoBridge SuperOffice Exchange Synchronizer EWS\
The service.ini file contains two sections listed between brackets. [SO] and [Server]
[SO] section header holds SuperOffice related parameters
[Server] section header holds Synchronizer Server parameters
Let’s have a detailed look into the specific parameters we can use in this service.ini file.
SuperOffice user which is set up as database user (in this example CRM7)
pwd is the encrypted password for the SuperOffice database user
The DSN is the ODBC connection name for the SuperOffice database connection
Prefix is the SuperOffice database table prefix (in this example CRM7)
Use a different language for the Synchronizer service and enables synchronizing the SuperOffice Follow-up types in a different languages. For example GE=German, NL=Nederlands, FR=France, etc. Use ISO 3166 Letter codes to use other languages.
Read our Knowledge Base article How to synchronize Follow-Up types in different languages
serverID displays the rank this service is set for. Ranking is introduced in version 3.2.88.
Read our Knowledge Base articel How to Synchronize with multiple Ranks
Set the logging level for the Synchronizer service. The possible options are:
- info (informational)
- warning (informational & warning)
- debug (informational, warning & debug).
Use this option only in very specific situations where there are issues with the ICS folder. Contact support first! Do not use this parameter in normal situations!
Run the service in Scanning Method instead of the ICS method. When this option is set to "1", no ICS files are created. There is a performance impact when using this, as it will poll more often to the Exchange server. Before activating, delete first the ICS folder and rename the journal.db3 file.
When using the GUI-version of the synchronizer you have to add the parameter /USESCANNINGMETHOD in the start command of the shortcut to the Synchronizer program e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)\InfoBridge\Exchange Synchronizer\InfoBridge Synchronizer.exe" /E /USESCANNINGMETHOD