Version History - Google Synchronizer

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Google Synchronizer for SuperOffice CRM

Google Synchronizer for SuperOffice CRM (Personal Edition)

Version 3.2.326 (14-07-2021)

  • The Token Manager no longer requires the From address field. Instead the from address is now always The admin is able to add his name in the Your Name field. More info

Version 3.2.320 (23-03-2021)

New feature

  • The Synchronizer is now available for all SuperOffice versions from 7.5. Download here 

Version 3.2.293 (26-05-2020)

New Feature

  • SuperOffice invites support
    SuperOffice introduces the SuperOffice invites. It is one of the most requested features and it enables the user to send out invites to participants which will be recognized by the external mail systems like Outlook and Google, the invites can be accepted just like regular Outlook or Google invitations.
    For customers using the Synchronizer, there is a complication to using invitations and that is that it would lead to duplicates because both Outlook/Google and SuperOffice will create appointments and both will be synchronized as individual appointments by the Synchronizer.
    Together with Superoffice, we have created a new version of the Synchronizer which can cope with the invitations and within SuperOffice there is a safety mechanism in place to safeguard the users from getting duplicates or out of sync appointments. More info
  • In the Sync admin we have added the option in External Settings to "Set invited participants in Appointment and Task in SuperOffice". More info 

Version 3.2.265 (15-08-2019)

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue where the Next activity Date in Sales did not update correct after a sale activity was updated in Google and synchronized back to SuperOffice
  • Resolved an issue where the Synchronizer gave an "invalid username or password" error when logging in using the SuperOffice 8.5 Com part.

New feature

  • External subject lines now have the option to add Sale Name to the external subject line fields. See the Synchronizer admin > SuperOffice CRM Settings > External subject line
  • An extra option is created in the Synchronizer Admin to delete retired contacts from your Google contact list. See the Synchronizer admin > SuperOffice CRM Settings > Delete retired contacts


  • Changed some labels in the connection setup screen (used when you don't use SO-com to login) to make it more clear which data needs to be filled in

Version 3.2.263 - 3.2.264

  • Internal optimization

 Version 3.2.262 (15-05-2019)

  • The Synchronizer is updated to be able to run without a SuperOffice Win client, more info
    NOTE: Only available for SuperOffice 8.3 R1 and higher
    NOTE: This only applies for the Google Synchronizer. The Google Synchronizer Personal still requires a SuperOffice Win client

Version 3.2.242-3.2.261

  • Internal optimization

Version 3.2.241 (16-07-2018)

  • Added support for new SuperOffice soft-delete functionality

Version 3.2.230 (20-03-2018)

  • Fixed an issue with Oracle databases

Version 3.2.214 (20-11-2017)


  • Some references on .NET were not valid. This could cause a MAPI dependencies error

Version 3.2.210 - 3.2.213

  • Internal Optimization 

Version 3.2.209

  • Internal Optimization

Version 3.2.208


  • Updated Synchronizer Administrator interface to look more like SuperOffice 8
  • This version is compatible with SuperOffice 8.1
    Note: Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are no longer supported, more info
  • Added option to make pending (not accepted) meeting invites from SuperOffice private in Google, more info


  • Fixed an issue with the changed Google Authentication

Version 3.2.185 - 3.2.207

  • Internal Optimization 

Version 3.2.184 (24-08-2016)

  • The Test Authentication button in the Technical Settings could show a message about the browser not being supported anymore, even though you have a up to date version of Chrome or IE. This is now fixed by forcing the latest version of IE explorer through the registry.

Version 3.2.176 - 3.2.183 

  • Internal optimization

Version 3.2.175 (29-03-2016)

  • Access token will be refreshed when a violation exception occurs on synchronizing contacts.
    Error message in the logfile looks like this: Unable to add contact: System.Net.ProtocolViolationException: you must specify either Content Length on a natural number or SendChunked to "true"

Version 3.2.174 (15-03-2016)

  • A new option to re-authenticate the linked user.
    The Google Synchronizer looses the authentication when the Google password is changed.
    Re-authentication can be done from the Synchronizer admin - User Synchronization settings. Select the user(s) and click the re-authentication button. This will send out an e-mail to the user(s)

    Note: Because this is the second time you authorize the Google Synchronizer you will see that the Google Synchronizer wants Offline access.

Version 3.2.164 - 3.2.173

  • Internal Optimization

Version 3.2.163 (16-06-2015)


  • Incorporated Admin SDK for Google, which solves an authentication failure in the Sync Admin when trying to load external users (due to discontinuation of Profiles SDK)

Version 3.2.161 (26-03-2015)

  • SuperOffice users on version 7 or 7.1 could receive a 'ActiveErpLinks' error. This backwards compatibility issue is now resolved

Version 3.2.160 (17-02-2015)

  • Subject line of a synchronized Google Calendar appointment remains intact after changing the date/time in SO

Version 3.2.150 - 3.2.159

  • Internal Optimization

Version 3.2.149 (19-09-2014)

  • The way default popup reminders work in Google Calendar was adjusted.

Version 3.2.131 - 3.2.148

  • Internal Optimization

Version 3.2.130 (09-01-2014)

  • New: The Google Token Authentication Maneger is introduced (More information).

Version 3.2.124 - 3.2.129

  • Internal Optimization

Version 3.2.123

  • Fix for an issue when linking user in /GP (regular Google account) mode.

Version 3.2.122

  • Internal Optimization

Version 3.2.121

  • Internal Optimization

Version 3.2.120

  • Contact name update

**Previous versions released as Beta Versions**